When you’re on your way through a digital transformation, don’t let the implementation process be an afterthought. Correctly implementing a new system is just as important, if not more, than choosing the right technology.  We know that a successful implementation is more than just installing and configuring the software. There are many factors that go into making the project a success so you get the most value from your upgrades with the least amount of risk and downtime.

implementation tasks, from basic installation to full-overhaul projects can be managed by the Storage Assessments team. Our experience with implementation and the technologies involved minimize disruptions and downtime, reduce potential risk, and enable faster set up of infrastructure and networks. The strategies we use are flexible to adapt to our customer’s individual requirements such as project planning, scheduling, budget projection, compliance requirements, and business continuity.  During the implementation process you will have visibility, and complete knowledge of and control over the progress and direction of the implementation. You can rest assured—we’ve done this before!

Scope and Planning

  • Evaluate environment and dependencies

  • Coordinate a project plan with IT Teams

  • Define necessary end-to-end tasks


  • Configure infrastructure

  • Initiate hardware and software deployment

  • Coordinate the action plan

Quality Assurance

  • QA testing post-deployment

  • Documentation for the new systems

  • Training and support for team members